Sunday, February 23, 2014

What is the cause what is the effect?

This is just an attempt to think louder....This musing went in as i started thinking about a news that i read... I am poor in distinguishing people on the name of their religion or caste or region. My roomie for 2 years is a Muslim and i will be loving him for ever as one of my best buddies...and one of the best intellectuals i have ever been with...

To start with ...
I was really delighted when i came to know that Dr. Manmohan Singh who'm i admire most only next to P.V. Narasimha Rao commented in an NDC meeting that Muslims have the first right on every resource of this country. For those who are not aware, NDC stands for National Development Council which is an arena for Centre - State collaboration on Development. Every bit of word uttered over there goes into the MoM of the council. It's not a political arena or an election campaign. But, Still Dr. Singh made such a statement. Although i was happy that finally poor and backward Muslims got a voice in this doctorate in economics, he confused me with his statement. If poverty and backwardness of Muslims is the only reason for which he made such a comment, i started thinking who is the reason for that poverty and backwardness? I am still thinking if poverty has any religion, caste or region? I know some neo rich muslims who hate charities even if they are attached to shows. I see neo rich guys in my own caste who don't even care about their own parents or siblings who are poorer than them. I see neo rich guys in the region i live in who care a damn about their fellow regionals.

Everybody agrees that the poverty and backwardness of any family in general stems from population with limited means. This trend is particularly high in Muslims as evident from their dis proportionate swell of population in the last 60 years. This again emanates from the individual civil codes for each religion in this country that allowed that swell. Yes, Muslims' civil code allows them to marry upto 4 and thus obviously their population increased exponentially in the last 60 years from 3 to 20 Crores. Again who is responsible for this individual civil codes for each religion? It is these so called SECULAR parties. If anyone tries to talk on these civil codes they are being dubbed fanatic...

My dear friends, does any one of you know any other democracy where national interest is below religion or caste or regional interest? It is the case in INDIA.

It's interesting to understand from history of this country that secularism and corruption have always been part of indian politics way before 346 B.C.

Most people in and out of this country love calling it a Hindu Majority Country. I would say it is a secularist majority country. Yes...i feel proud to say that this country gave the value of SECULARISM to the rest of the world. The so called hindus today were known as "Sanathan Dharmiks". Sanathan Dharma is a way of living - Part of that way is respecting and peaceful co existence with a difference of opinion. So, one who cannot be secular cannot be a hindu in the first place. That is the reason why at 346 B.C. the government of this land preached and practiced secularism. That is how, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism emanated from so called Hinduism. Citizens of this land are free to practice their own faith in 346 B.C. Amazing...isn't it? After knowing this i tried to learn about some other civilizations that existed at that time. I could not find anywhere this right for the people. Thus i would say that SECULARISM is a value that is part of the DNA of majority of this country. That is why Christians, Muslims and Sikhs can become, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Chief ministers in this country...That's the only reason i see for which a right wing party which is perceived as a hindu centric party never got even a simple majority in the indian parliament....just because of the perception that it is hindu centric. Also, Corruption is not a new issue in 346 B.C. Dhananad - the ruler of the mighteous Magadha empire was perceived as a very corrupt does the rulers of  most of the Ganas (smaller kingdoms)... It is the same corruption and valueless ness among rulers that prompted Chanakya to oust these rulers and replace them all with a cowboy (chandra gupta maurya) - thus forming the first biggest empire....

Democracy is all about equality before the constitution, irrespective of people being majority or minority. But, today what's happening in this country in the name of secularism. People are being pushed to choose between corruption and (?)so called secularism and where is the end to this game? One major national party says the other one is an icon of intolerance and responsible for godhra and is totally corrupt - the other one retaliates saying - they were responsible for sikh mascacre when Indira was assassinated and lists out the scams all along....we have a couple of dozens of regional and local parties who are always ready to do business with either of these parties on a need to need basis... what can people expect of such a political system where individuals and their egos keep on clashing in place of constructive debates and wider social causes - where every single move is made keeping in view the mileage it will bring in a subsequent election rather than the broader interest it will bring to the society and nation in the long run?

Some one told that in any democracy - the system is a reflection of the society. If the system is so ugly in INDIA today, is it a reflection of our society? Who can make it better? What is the cause what is the effect?